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11S Xile Cinema Series

Screening of a series of films relating to the defeat of Chilean democracy through the coup d’état of 11 September, 1973.

12 September 12, 7 pm: La ciudad de los fotógrafos, by Sebastián Moreno, about a group of Chilean photographers who captured the protests and society of the Pinochet dictatorship. Their images served as a witness to the victims of this period, and for this reason some were repressed and others killed.

13 September, 7 pm: Mi vida con Carlos, by German Berger. A film in which the author relates the personal search of his father, Carlos Berger, a lawyer and journalist murdered by Pinochet’s regime in 1973, when he was only a year old. Later colloquium with the director, German Berger, and Marta Nin, director of Casa Amèrica Catalunya.

14 September, 7 pm: Allende mi abuelo Allende, by Marcia Tambutti Allende, granddaughter of Chile’s first democratic socialist president, Salvador Allende, overthrown by the army in September 1973. A close look that seeks to reconstruct the image of her grandfather.

From 9 September to 1 October you can see the art installation Dos minutos y medio para el mediodía del 11 de septiembre de 1973 by the artist Fernando Prats.

This activity is part of the activities of the Catalonia’s Diada. 

Activity in Spanish.


3,00 €

The ticket can be purchased using the ticket sales button or in the central ticket offices.
