Poster presentation
There will be space at the 2nd International Archaeology Symposium at El Born CCM, “El Rec Comtal: a city mapped by water. Barcelona, from the 1st-21st century”, for a poster exhibition associated with the Rec Comtal in a broad sense: ranging from architecture and urban planning, to history and archaeology, through signposting, documentation, landscape recovery, dissemination and engineering.
Poster rules
The Scientific Committee of the 2nd International Archaeology Symposium 2018 at El Born CCM will be in charge of selecting the posters for exhibition from all of the proposals received and, from these, the authors who will also be awarded presentation time.
The committee will make its selection from the briefs submitted to the symposium’s technical secretariat.
Briefs should meet the following requirements:
— The brief must have a maximum of 1,500 characters (including spaces) in 12 pt Arial.
— It must be accompanied by a short CV regarding the author of the presentation, with a maximum of 1,500 characters (including spaces) in 12 pt Arial.
— It must be submitted to the technical secretariat by email (ethio@bcn.cat) before 4 November 2017.
The Scientific Committee will notify all candidates by email before 1 December 2017, about whether or not they have been selected, and whether they will be able to give a presentation on 16 March 2018.