An accessible, adapted and sustainable centre
El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria (CCM), in its commitment to become an open, accessible and functional centre for all, is constantly striving to meet universal accessibility criteria to continue improving the services provided to visitors. In this respect, ensuring that people with disabilities feel comfortable and can enjoy the visit to our premises with full mobility and access to information forms the essence of the centre.
El Born CCM works in close collaboration with the Institut Municipal de Persones amb Discapacitat (Municipal Institute for Persons with Disabilities) in the framework of the work carried out since 2009 by this organisation and the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (Barcelona Arts Institute) with the strategic objective of guaranteeing universal accessibility to the city’s cultural heritage, as established in article 30 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
El Born CCM collaborates with Apropa Cultura, a network of theatres, auditoriums, museums, festivals and associations in the social sector, which works to help vulnerable people to enjoy culture at a reduced price. Associations registered in the Apropa Cultura Programme can consult the prices on the website www.apropacultura.cat
El Born CCM offers reduced prices or free entry to disabled people who hold the city discount cards “Targeta Rosa Reduïda” or “Targeta Rosa Gratuïta”. Companions of disabled people holding the “Passi d’Acompanyant” also enter for free.
In the central area of the market there are public benches, and in the exhibition rooms and the archaeological site there are benches halfway along the route.
El Born CCM has two wheelchairs available for loan to visitors who request them.
The building has a locker service in the two entrances for backpacks, bags, coats, and so on.
Information staff
Help and information staff are ready to assist and advise visitors on our services and the activities provided by our centre and can guide you on the best options for your visit. They are located at the centre entrances, the box offices, multimedia guide collection points and the exhibition room entrances.
Multimedia guides and leaflets
El Born CCM offers visitors a multimedia guide service available in sign language and audio description. It also has leaflets in Braille and macro-characters. The information staff will guide you on the best options for your visit.
Tactile guidance maps
At the two entrances of El Born CCM there are tactile guidance and orientation maps. You can also request maps of the centre from our information staff.
Adapted toilets and baby changing areas
The centre has toilets adapted for people with reduced mobility and baby changing areas. You can find them on the corner of Carrer Comerç with Carrer Ribera, Carrer Comerç with Carrer Fusina and Carrer Comercial with Carrer Ribera.
Physical accessibility
Providing an area free of physical barriers that ensures the circulation of all visitors and access to all parts of the centre is essential to guaranteeing the universal accessibility of our centre. Entrances at ground level, ramps, and adapted desks, doors and toilets are some of the measures taken by the centre for this purpose.
Parking and access to the centre
Next to the centre, at number 60 Carrer Comerç, there is car parking reserved for people with reduced mobility who hold the disabled parking card. The area around the centre is paved and does not impede mobility. Entrance to the centre is via an adapted ramp.
The access doors to the centre and the rooms are wide enough for wheelchairs. Nevertheless, in cases such as access to the toilet area the space between the folding doors is tight. In these cases they are activated by a crank.
The access ramps, all designed for wheelchairs, are located at the entrances to the bookshop and restaurant. The other entrances to the different areas of the centre are step-free or by lift.
In the Sala Moragues there is an optional ramp to access the platform or stage (by prior arrangement).
The lift, located by the entrance door to the building in Carrer Comercial, provides access for people with reduced mobility to the wooden platform of the archaeological site. This platform provides a partial view of the site.
People with reduced mobility can see the entire site by combining the first floor view from the balcony and the view from the wooden platform. However, wheelchair users cannot access the archaeological site due to conservation conditions.
Information desks
The desks for purchasing tickets and collecting multimedia guides have a section adapted for wheelchair users or people of short stature. The furniture for dispensing information about activities of the centre has been designed and built to ensure that a wheelchair user can access the information provided.
Adapted toilets
All the toilets in the centre are adapted for people with reduced mobility. However, the door is closed using a swivel lock, which could be difficult to use for people with hand mobility problems.
Visual accessibility
The accessibility measures for the visually impaired are designed to guarantee communication and maximum autonomy for visitors during their time at the centre.
Visits for the blind or visually impaired
The centre offers guided tours for groups of people who are blind or visually impaired (by prior arrangement) with itineraries planned around tactile aids.
Multimedia guides with audio descriptions
El Born CCM has multimedia guides with audio descriptions to make the centre’s contents available to visually impaired visitors. These devices contain information about the building, the archaeological site and the permanent exhibition.
Braille, large-print and macro-character leaflets
El Born CCM provides visitors with leaflets in Braille, large print and macro-characters with the following information:
- El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria general information leaflet
- Archaeological site information leaflet
- Market architecture information leaflet
- Barcelona 1700. From Stones to People exhibition information leaflet
Tactile maps
At the two centre entrances there are two tactile maps for the blind or visually impaired (embossed, in Braille and visual contrast).
Tactile areas
El Born CCM has a tactile model of the building in front of the door to the centre in Carrer Comercial.
Guide dogs
El Born CCM allows guide dogs throughout the centre.
All signs in the centre have been made with embossed pictograms and visual contrast and located in keeping with universal accessibility parameters and repetition criteria.
Hearing accessibility
Hearing accessibility measures have been designed to make it easier for the deaf, hearing impaired, signers or oralists to access the contents offered by the centre.
Visits for the hearing impaired
The centre offers the possibility of guided tours for groups in sign language (by prior arrangement).
Multimedia guides with sign language and subtitles
The centre has a multimedia guide service with videos with Catalan and Spanish sign language and subtitles.
Magnetic loops
The centre has two portable magnetic loops at the ticket sales and multimedia collection desks and a fixed magnetic loop in the Sala Moragues.
Intellectual accessibility
El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria (CCM) seeks to be a place open to all, where everyone feels welcome, a space of dialogue and exchange of ideas, where we can all become culturally richer and participate in the cultural life of our society. In this spirit, accessibility measures for people with intellectual disabilities are aimed at facilitating their autonomy and access to communication during their visit to the centre.
Tours for people with intellectual disability
The centre offers the possibility of guided tours for groups of people with intellectual disability (by prior arrangement) with routes adapted to the different needs of the groups.
Large-print leaflets
El Born CCM makeS available to visitors leaflets in Braille, large print and macro-characters with the following information:
- El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria general information leaflet
- Archaeological site information leaflet
- Market architecture information leaflet
- Permanent exhibition Barcelona 1700. From Stones to People information leaflet
El Born CCM and the commitment to sustainability
El Born CCM holds the Emblem of Environmental Quality Guarantee, a Catalan ecological labelling system that recognises products and services that exceed certain environmental quality requirements beyond those established by current regulations.

Rosa Gratacós Prize for Culture 2013
The Associació Discapacitat Visual Catalunya: B1+B2+B3 awarded the Rosa Gratacós Prize for Culture 2013 to El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria for adapting its premises for the visually impaired.
This award is given to those people or associations that have distinguished themselves by improving the quality of life of the visually impaired.
The Associació Discapacitat Visual Catalunya: B1+B2+B3 is a non-profit organisation that provides services for the visually impaired to improve their quality of life. Moreover, it publicises this issue to help their social integration. Its objective is to provide a service to these people, without discriminating in terms of degree of disability – which can be total (B1), severe (B2) and low (B3) – or their origin.