Roundtable discussion on models, alternatives and imaginaries of development beyond self-indulgent banalities.
- Marta Rivera, research professor at INGENIO Institute (CSIC-UPV) and honorary researcher at the University of Coventry. She is one of the authors of the report on the impacts of climate change by the UN panel of experts.
- Adrián Almazán, university professor and environmental activist, graduate in Physics and PhD in Philosophy. He works as a philosophy professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid and is a member of Ekologistak Martxan (Ecologists in Action).
- Andreu Escrivà, environmentalist, doctor specializing in biodiversity. He is climate change project technician, scientific disseminator and a regular media contributor. In 2021, he published I ara jo què faig? Com vèncer la culpa climàtica i passar a l’acció.
- Núria Almiron is co-director of the UPF-Centre for Animal Ethics and senior professor at the Communication Department at the UPF. He has co-edited and edited, respectively, the volumes Climate Change Denial and Public Relations (2020) and Animal Suffering and Public Relations (2024).
Moderated by Federica Ravera, PhD in Environmental Sciences, specialized in Eco economics.
This activity is part of the Memories of the Earth cycle.