The Mediterranean from cradle of civilization to grave of shame.

Presentation of the audiovisual project from the Catalunya Ràdio‘s “Solidaris” program. The podcast El mar. El mur (The sea. The wall) is the result of a journalistic research work that has goes through five countries to reconstruct the history of three vessels that left Morocco for the Spanish coast. The project addresses the reality of the dead and missing on the migratory route and looks to their families seeking answers to the uncertainty and coming up against a system that is proving inhumane.

The sea, as a synonym for physical boundary, has become a real wall for people who want to reach Europe. This wall is visible in the harshness of migratory policies, in bureaucracy, in institutional racism, in indifference.

Later roundtable discussion with Mercè Folch, Anna Surinyach, Blanca Garcés, José Pablo Baraybar and Óscar Camps.

  • Mercè Folch is the director of the audiovisual project “El mar. El mur” at Catalunya Ràdio. She runs the program “Solidaris”. She has covered the humanitarian crisis of refugees on several occasions. She has reported it from the Greek refugee camps, from southern Sicily and from the Ceuta fence.
  • Anna Surinyach s a photojournalist, specialized in human rights and migration. She is a graphic editor of 5W magazine.
  • Blanca Garcés is a researcher in the CIDOB migration area. In recent years, she has devoted itself to the study of policies and speeches on asylum in Europe, with particular attention to border policies and state reception systems.
  • José Pablo Baraybar is a forensic anthropologist at the International Committee of the Red Cross. He has developed a pilot project to name and tell the dead and missing people at sea on their way to Europe. He is currently based in Mexico.
  • Oscar Camps is a lifeguard and founder of the NGO Open Arms, which is dedicated to the surveillance and salvage of boats of people crossing the Aegean Sea and the Central Mediterranean fleeing war, persecution or poverty.


This activity is part of the Memories of the Earth cycle, and it’s realized in collaboration with Catalunya Ràdio.

Activity in Catalan.


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