The Water, a battlefield

Roundtable discussion on land water management and the agricultural models that condition and derive from this.


  • Narcís Prat, biologist, professor emeritus of Ecology at the University of Barcelona. In 2017, he received a professional career prize from the Association of Biologists of Catalonia.
  • Gerard Batalla, peasant, member of ‘Som lo que sembrem’ and the Assemblea Pagesa de Catalunya, an activist in defense of a small peasantry, vital for the territorial balance and food security of the country, and critical consumption through close, seasonal and healthy eating.
  • Ariadna Tremoleda permaculture in the Mas Les Vinyes cooperative project, an initiative for community and agricultural life, focused on regenerative agriculture as a tool of action.

Moderated by Anaïs Sastre, graduated in Environmental Sciences, she is member of Aresta and Arran de Terra and an activist for food sovereignty.

This activity is part of the Memories of the Earth cycle.

Activity in Catalan.


Free entrance